4th Dimension
You are a mighty Time-Lord, and your powerful army of Guardians, Rangers, Warriors stands ready to do battle. Your opponents is equally strong, and knows that only one of you will survive this conflict of time and space; for you both are Time Lords, able to alter the fabric of reality, and there is room in the universe for only one with such power…
4th Dimension is a classic game of pure strategy – no luck or dice are involved. A unique feature of the game is the ability to “Time Warp” a piece – removing it from the board – and bringing it back into play in a different location! Players must take care not to allow their Time-Lords to be trapped by opposing Warriors beaming down from Time Warp…
Simple to learn, 4D is easily grasped by any gamer from age 10 to adult. The rules are brief and fully illustrated with examples of play, it takes about 15 minutes to read them and start playing.
Recommendations: Herocard Champion of New Olympia – Reanimator The Board Game