Herocard Champion of New Olympia

New Olympia is in dire straits!  Villainous gangs wrecking havoc on our citizens!  Robotic invaders destroying our fair city!  We need a hero to discover their plots, foil their plans, and restore order!  Be the first and you will be awarded the title: Champion of New Olympia

HeroCard is a hybrid board and card game system.  Each game has its own distinct genre and gameplay as well as its own unique decks.  Decks can be used interchangeably among all games – even combined to create you ultimate hero.

Contents: 9 cruciform city tiles, 33 card Deva deck, 1 Deva figure, 33 card T’oa King Deck, 1 T’ao King Figure, 20 card  powers deck, 24 card plot deck, 16 contact tokens, 4 base tokens, 1 rules booklet.

Champion of New Olympia is a Two Player Herocard game that can be expanded to a 4 player game with additional decks.

Ages 10+ with a 60 minute playtime.