Clement Meekly

The leader of the local Lizard Cult and director of the Talon Hill Orphanage, Clement practices his faith in the way that feels true to his own spirit and beliefs.  None are forced into the cult, but the lizard happily teaches the orphans he cares for that the Great Wyrm values and loves them.  But Clement’s kind of nature is seen by many of Talon Hill’s denizens as strange, as if he’s hiding something, and the locals often share hyperbolic, nightmarish stories about Cult rituals.  Recently, one elder member of the Cult, offered up their own life to bless the newest members of the faith, as is the Cult’s tradition.  But the locals believe that the half dozen birds found murdered in the clearing thus far are all victims of Meekly’s religious furor.  Clement protests otherwise while continuing to do good works, but few, if any believe him.

Location: Talon Hill

Exhaustion []

Injury []

Wear []

Morale [] [] []

Drive: To protect and aid those who desperately need it.


  • Common clothes
  • Walking stick
  • Modest wood-carved symbol of the Great Wyrm


  • Call for aid from the faithful
  • Preach a sermon of mutual support and empathy
  • Give aid and comfort to the sick and poor