Mallet, Raed, Human, Male, Defensive Midfielder, Squaddie

Guild Ball MalletMallet can call himself one of the oldest players in the game, and he shares the old values and code of honour long since abandoned by the new blood. Off the pitch, he is a sullen man with nothing good to say about anybody, but it will be a sad day when he retires, and one of the game’s best talents leaves the pitch for good.

Melle Zone 2″
Mov 4″/6″, Tac 5, Kick 2/6″, Def 3+, Arm 2, Inf 2/4
Health 16

Character Players:
Singled Out, Rng P, Sus yes
Friendly model gains +2 tac while attacking target enemy model.

Smashed Shins, rng P, sus yes
Target enemy model suffers -4/-4″ kick

Character Traits:
Extended Reach: During its activation this model’s melee zone is 3″

Football Legend [4″ Aura]
While within this aura, friendly models gain +1/+1 kick.

Forceful Blow: When this model makes a successful attack during a charge, after resolving playbook results, the target enemy suffers a 2″ push directly away from this model and 2 dmg.