Brick – Skaldic, Human, Male, Centre Back, Squaddie

Guild Ball BrickBrick is the imposing centre back found playing for the Mason’s team. The Unstoppable Juggernaut considers the game an exercise in smashing his way through the opposition with a mighty blow from his knuckledusters. Few have the ability or even the will to try and stop him.

Melee Zone 1″
Mov 5″7″, Tac 5, Kick 2/6″, Def 2+, Arm 3, Inf 2/4
Health: 19

Character Plays:
Concussion: Rng P
Target enemy model loses 1 influence

Fulcrum: Cst 1, Rng S, Sus yes, Opt Yes
6″ aura. While within this aura, friendly models gain Poised. (Poised: once per turn this model may declare a Counter-Attack without spending MP.)

Character Traits:
Gravity Well: When an enemy model ends an advance engaging this model, the enemy model immediately suffers a 2″ push directly towards this model.

Knockback: When this model makes a successful attack, after resolving playbook results, the target enemy model suffers a 1″ push directly away from this model this model may then make a 1″ dodge directly towards the enemy model.

Tough Hide: This model suffers -1 dmg from enemy plays and playbook damage results.