Turn order and sequence of play

1. Gamblin

2. Production

3. Upkeep

4. High Noon

5 Sundown

6. Nightfall

Gamblin’ Phase: The Gamblin’ phase determines the player who is the Dealer for the turn – and it can make you some ghost rock, too!

First, each player antes up by taking 1 ghost rock and putting into the town square.  This is the pot the players are competing for during the Gamblin’ phase.  If you can’t afford to ante, borrow it from the bank; you’ll need to pay it back in the Upkeep phase, though!

Each player then puts their play hand aside and draws a five card hand from their deck (a draw hand).

Reveal your draw hands and compare hand ranks.  Whoever has the lowest hand rank collects all the ghost rock in the pot and becomes the Dealer for the turn.

Production Phase: Starting with the Dealer and proceeding clockwise, each player totals their productions and adds that much ghost rock from the bank to their stash.

You get production from your outfit, deeds that you own and control; and any other cards that have production indicated (normally in the lower-right corner.)

Upkeep Phase: Now that you’ve made your ghost rock, it’s time to pay your gang.

Starting with the Dealer and proceeding clockwise, each player pays their upkeep.  First, pay back the bank if you borrowed in the Gamblin phase.  Then, pay the upkeep on any cards you control and wish to keep in play (usually dudes).  Finally, discard any cards with upkeep that you did not pay.

If you find yourself unable to repay the bank after borrowing for the gamblin phase it will carry over until the next round and you will have to pay bank back for that borrow and the borrowing for the next phase before you get any money.

If you don’t pay money to keep cards that have upkeep they card is discarded.  If the card does not have upkeep they can’t be discarded.

If you have a dude with upkeep that is from a faction different than your outfit card you increase their upkeep by their influence.

High Noon: This the the biggest part of the game where most actions take place.  Starting with the dealer you take turns performing noon plays until everyone passes sequentially.

Recruit a dude: As a Noon play you can recruit a dude from your play hand, putting them into play at your home.  Use ghost rock from you stash to pay the dude’s cost, and put them into play at your home, unbooted.

Buy a Goods: As a Noon play you can buy a goods in your play hand, attaching it to your dude.  Use ghost rock from your stash to pay the goods cost, and attach the goods to a dude, unbooted.  Just like dudes, the goods abilities and traits are available for use this turn, once you have a chance to use that kind of play.  Only unbooted dudes can attach goods.  The unbooted dude also has to be at a location you control.  You always control your home but you never control town square or your opponents home.

Trade Goods: As a Noon pla” y you can move goods between two or more of your dudes in the same location that you control.  As long as the dudes are all in the same location, you can move any number of attached goods between any number of your dudes.  Trading goods has the same restriction as buying goods.  Dude must be unbooted and only at locations you control.  Exception is booted dudes can give goods away just can recieve them.  Booted goods can be traded.  Goods can’t be moved between dudes by this Noon play more than once in a turn.

Learn a Spell: As a Noon play you can have your dude learn a spell in your play hand, attaching it to your dude who is the appropriate type of spellcaster. Remember: Blessed can attach miracles, hucksters can attack hexes, and shamans can attach spirits.  Use ghost rock from you stash to pay the spell’s cost, and attach the spell to an appropriate unbooted dude.  Just like goods, the spells abilities are available for use.  The dude the spell is attaching to needs to be unbooted and it must be at a location you control.  Unlike goods, spells cannot be traded once they are attached.

Build a Deed: As a Noon play you can build a deed in your play hand, adding it to your street.  Use ghost rock from your stash to pay the deed’s cost, and put the deed into play unbooted.  Place the deed at one end of  your street.  If it’s an out of town deed, place it off to one side of the play area, as a reminder that it is not adjacent to anything.  The abilities are available to be used when you can next take an action.  To use an action you do need to have control of the deed.

Move your dude:As a noon play you can move one of your unbooted dues to any other location in play (a deed, a home, or the town square).  By default, moving as a Noon play boots that dude. When you boot you can move to any location regardless if it is adjacent.  A dude can move from home to any adjacent location without booting.  Essentially town square and the deeds right or left of the home.  You also can move from town square to any adjacent location without booting except to you home.  This includes deeds on your street and your opponents street including your opponents home.  Booted dudes cannot move even with the rules that allow you to move without booting.

Use a noon ability on a card in play: Dudes, deeds, goods, and spells can all have noon abilities.  To use a Noon ability on a card in play, announce which ability you want use, and then resolve it.

Use a noon ability on a card in your hand: Many action cards have Noon abilities.  They work just like abilities on cards in play, but your opponent won’t see them coming!    After the card is resolved discard it.

Call out a dude: You need an unbooted dude in the same location as the mark.  You can’t call out someone at their home or call out your own dudes.  The mark must either accept or refuse the callout.  If they are booted they can’t refuse.  If the callout is accepted, you’ll get a shootout. If the callout is refused, the mark has to boot and run home.

Sundown Phase: Starting with the dealer, any traits are active during sundown are triggered.  Now check for victory.  If you have more control points than your opponent has influence, you control the town and win.  If both players have more control points than their opponents has influence, the player with the most control points wins.  If they are tied for control points then you continue the game.

Nightfall Phase: Starting with the dealer do the following.  You may discard a card from your play hand, draw or discard cards until you have your max hand size – usually 5, unboots all of their cards in play, end any abilities that last until the end of the turn, refreshes the abilities on their cards in play allowing them to be used again.  Start over.