Terms and Concepts

Activating Model: The model as chosen by the Active Player currently resolving its action.

Active Player: The player whose turn it is to activate a model.

Base to Base: A model is in Base to Base (abbreviated BtB) with another model if their bases are physically touching.  An activating model not in BtB already can only enter BtB with one Enemy model per activation.  Some ranges are specified as BtB rather than in inches.

Battlefield: A game of Bushido takes place on a 2X2 area we call the battlefield.  Models on the battlefield are designated as being Elsewhere (see Elsewhere) are in play.

Controller: A model’s Controller is the player with whom it is currently Friendly.

Counters: Counters are named for the effect that requires them and may be used to count turn, activations or some other timing effect before they expire.  Activation Counters are particular type of counter.  These show how many activations a model can make this turn.  See Condition.

Cover: When Terrain partially blocks LOS to a model, that model gains Cover against Ranged Attacks.  A model benefits from Cover from an enemy model if any line of sight from the enemy passes through an Obscuring or Blocking terrain element that is within 1″ of the target model.

Damage Roll: A roll using 2d6, applying any negative or positive modifiers then cross-referencing on the Wound Table in the column equal to the Success Level of the test, to see the number of wounds inflicted on the model.

Deploy: When a model is first put into play it is Deployed onto the battlefield.  This is not a Move or Place.  A model may not be Deployed into BtB with an Enemy Model or in an Enemy Model’s ZoC.  Models are Deployed iwth no Activation Counters.

Dice Rolls: Bushido uses ordinary six-sided dice.  When a die is rolled, the number given is referred to as the value on the die.  We use dice in the following ways:

D6: The number shown on a single six sided die roll.

2D6: Two dice added together to give a value between 2 and 12.

D3: Roll a d6.  A roll of 1-2=1, 3-4=2, 5-6=3.

D2: Roll a d6.  A roll of 1-3=1, 5-6=2

Some abilities call for a coin flip; this can be represented with a D2 if needed.  In some instances a random model or other element may need to be selected, any straightforward method should suffice, assigning each a number then rolling a dice should also work.

Effects: This is a catch-all term for various rules including Ki Feats, Theme bonuses, Unique Effects, Event Cards or others.  Usually, for timing we say “Effects that happen in this phase” or similar, this means any rule that says it happens in that phase.

Elsewhere: Elsewhere is a specific place for models in play but not on the Battlefield.  These may be Flanking troops, models flying high over the battle or fighting on another plane of existence.  Models in Elsewhere generate Ki tokens as usual and are affected by traits and states (Such as Fire and Regenerate) but do not generate Activation Markers and cannot spend tokens.

Enemy/Friendly: Models can either be Friendly or Enemy models, depending on which player’s Warband they are in; therefore models in a players ‘own’ Warband are considered Friendly, while Models in an Opponent’s Warband are considered Enemy models.

Exhausted: A model with no Activation Counters is considered Exhausted.

Facing: A model’s Facing line is directly in the center of the front of its base.  It should be marked with a line or dot on the model’s base.  Ninety degrees either side of a model’s facing line shows it’s Front Arc and should be marked on the model’s base with lines of dots.

A model is Facing anything forward it’s Front Arc.

A Model is Directly Facing anything in front of it’s facing line.

Faction: Models have a Faction Icon to denote which of the many warring factions from the Jwar Isles they belong to; therefore, if a rule references a Faction, it refers to the Faction Icon printed on the model’s card.

Initiative: The model with the initiative checks its Attack dice first in Melee Exchanges and declares the use of Ki Boosts and Ki Feats after their Opponent.  The Activating model has the Initiative unless a trait, State or game effect changes this.

Ki Boost: A Ki Boost is a special type of Ki Feat that increases statistics.

Killed: When a model has 0 wounds remaining on it’s Wound Track it is Killed, remove the model from the table.

Line of Sight: A model can draw Los to points in its Facing.  LoS is achieved if you can draw a straight line from any part of the origin model’s Base to a point in that origin model’s facing.

Terrain and models block LoS except for the following:

  • LoS is not blocked by models and Terrain elements smaller than the model LoS is being drawn to.
  • LoS is not blocked by models (other than the model you are drawing LoS to) and Terrain elements smaller than the model drawing LoS.

LoS may be checked for any model (Friendly or Enemy) at any time.

Markers: Markers are used to mark what States are currently affecting a model.

Measuring Distances:  The unit of Measure in bushido is inches.

  • Movement distances are measured from the nearest base edge to the point the model wishes to move following the route the model’s base will take.
  • Targeting distances are measured from the nearest base edge of a model to the nearest base edge of a model to the nearest base edge of the Target.
  • Measurements, whether distances, LoS, or other measurements, may be taken at any time for any reason by either player.  In timed play, the player whose clock is running always has priority and should not be obstructed by their opponents measuring devices.
  • When measuring if a model or point is within a given range then precisely up to that range is considered within.  E.g. if the edge of a model’s base is exactly 6″ away from its opponents base, it is considered to be within 6″
  • If a range is given as BtB, then the model is in range of itself.

Modifiers: When a statistic is modified it can never go above double its base value.  If results are divided and leave fractions, always round down except in the case of distances, where fractions of inches are kept.  Numerical values of traits can be modified.

If an effect requries dice to be substituted, the value of the die is often fixed to some value.  It is helpful to physically remove the die and place it, showing that value, with the die and place it, showing that value, with the dice that were rolled.  If a dice is substituted, it cannot be re-rolled.  If modifiers, rerolls, adding or removal of dice affect any roll then only after all of these have been resolved can a result be determined.

Movement: Movement is measured using a tape measure.  If a model must move Toward another game element, then it cannot increase its distance from that element for any part of its movement.  If it must move Directly Toward a game element, then it can only move in a straight line drawn from the center of its base to the center of the game element.  Similarly, a model which must move away cannot decrease its distance from that element for any part of its movement.  If it must move Directly away from a game element, then it can only move in a straight line drawn from the center of its base away from the center of the game element.  An activating model can only enter BtB with one enemy model per activation.

Open and Hidden Information: In Bushido, all information is open unless explicitly stated otherwise; it means that both players are entitled to read any rules, states, model cards, special cards or any other information pertinent to the game, unless the rules explicitly state the information is hidden.  Each player’s Hidden Information should be recorded on one sheet of paper and handed over after the game.  If you have a third party, they can be used to check secret information during the game to make sure no mistakes happen.

Owner: A model’s owner is the player who initially recruited the model into their Warband or summoned the model, ignoring any control markers or game effects.

Place: Sometimes models are placed on the table instead of moving around the table.

Replace: When a model is replaced, swap the model on the baord with the new model.

If the model was not in play, the new model is considered Deployed.  The player using the replacing effect chooses the new model’s facing.  If the new model has a different sized base, then it must be placed so that the large base entirely covers the area of the smaller base.  If the model being replaced was in BtB with an enemy model, the new model must be placed in BtB with the enemy mode if possible.  When two models swap positions, replace each model with the other model.

Select: No LoS is needed to select a model; selecting is not targeting.  A model may select itself.

Size: Unless a model’s size is stated as a trait, it is determined by its base.

  • small base (30mm) = small
  • medium base (40mm) = medium size
  • large base (50mm) = large size
  • huge base (60mm) = huge size

Tiny and Huge models are indicated by Traits.  Models with these traits have the given size regardelss of base size.

Supporting Dice: When making a Test, up to 2 Dice may be chosen as supporting dice, these each add +1 to the value of the highest roll to get the final result.

Targeting:  A Model must be able to draw LoS to another model to Target it.  A model may always Target itself.

Test:  Whenever a model attempts an action which may succeed or fail, it’s controlling player rolls dice to complete a Test.  The value of the dice rolled will determine if the model succeeds or fails the test.

Timing: Any effect which does not specify when it can be used may be used any time.  The exception is during Melee Exchanges or Ranged Attacks – when the timing is restricted as detailed in the Melee Exchanges and Ranged Attacks section.  If both players wish to use such effects the active player goes first.

If an effect does not have a stated expiration time, it ends the End Phase.

Tokens: Tokens are used to track a model’s resources, such a Ki Tokens.

Virtue Tokens: Many effects give out Virtue Tokens, most commonly the Virtue Trait.  This particular type of Token represents different benefits depending on the other models you recruit.  Some models have abilities that can only be used by spedning a Virtue Token.  When a model spends a Virtue Token, you may shoose any permitted ability on the card of any Friendly model in play.

Warband: A player’s Warband consists of recruited, Summoned and Controlled models as well as Special cards.

Zone of Control: In Bushido, every model has a Zone of Control extending 1″ from the edge of tis base to any point within its LoS.  Models ignored Friendly Zones of Control, but once a models enters an enemy model’s ZoC, it may only move directly towards the model, or directly away, until it leaves the Zoc.  Models beginning their activations in one or more Enmemy model’s ZoC must either declare an action that allow them to move into BtB with one of those models or move diretly toward the enemy model until they reach BtB, or declare another action that allows a move.  However, they must move directly away from the enmy model until they leave the Zoc; ar away from all models unitl they leave all Enemy model’s ZoC if in multiple Zones of Control, after which tyey can move freely.

Models can ignore the Zoc of models that are in BtB with Enemy models for movement and declaring or performing actions (Such as Ranged Attack Actions or Scenario Actions which otherwise cannot be performed in a ZoC).  If a model moves out of BtB, then if may ignore the ZoC unitl that move is completed.