Astonishing X-Men Vol 10 Northstar
Overview: Mutant mercenaries the Marauders return with a vengeance when Chimera leads the squad into battle at against the X-Men in New York City! Psychic X-Man Karma discovers an unknown but incredibly powerful telepath is controlling their assailants, and Wolverine leads his team on an investigation that puts their minds and hearts to the ultimate test. When a psychic ambush pits the X-Men against their teammate Northstar, the mutant speedster, he learns the true meaning of devotion as his civilian boyfriend Kyle holds a gun to his head! One of the X-Men changes sides, and Northstar’s decision in the face of death will lead him to the wedding the world’s been waiting for – if he can survive the harrowing battle against his teammates and the love o his life.
Collecting Astonishing X-Men #48-51, Nation X #2, Alpha Flight #106
Pages: 136
Writers: Marjorie Liu, Tim Fish, and Scott Lobdell
Artist: Mike Perkins, Tim Piotrowski
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna, Cory Petit, Clayton Cowles, Jared Fletcher, Bob Sharen
Recommendations: Astonishing X-Men Vol 6 — Astonishing X-Men Vol 7 — Astonishing X-Men Vol 8

I have been told that I can’t be critical of this book. That I can’t say anything bad because then I would be indicating that I am not an ally. That part of the story is not what I am critical about. The story follows the X-Men but mostly is about Northstar. It has very little super hero type story lines. It really has to do with Northstar and his sexual preference. Again that is not the issue. I wanted to see more of what the X-men have to offer and less about lets make this X-men gay. To be fair though, this collection does seem to be setting up the next major story arc. I will have to wait for the next collection to see how it all turns out.
Overall, it is not a terrible book. It just lacks super hero action. Sure you could say, coming out, proposing to a same sex partner is super heroic, and in its own way it is. Still I read comics to see Wolverine kick ass along side his fellow X-Men