American History X
Synopsis: Derek Vinyard (Edward Norton), the charismatic leader of a group of young white supremacists, lands in prison for a brutal, hate-driven murder. Upon his release, ashamed of his past and pledging to reform, Derek realizes he must save his younger brother, Danny (Edward Furlong), from a similar fate. A groundbreaking controversial drama about the tragic consequences of racism in a family.
Rating: R
Run Time: 1 hour 59 minutes
Director: Tony Kaye
Dvd Extra’s: Deleted Scenes, Original Theatrical Trailer, Cast and crew biographies and filmographies, Interactive menus.
Nudity Factor: Movie opens with a sex scene that you see breasts, prison rape scene that shows full male nudity.
Of Note: This film uses the word “fuck” 205 times
I have a plethora of conflicting emotions when it comes to this film. On one hand, I must admit that the storyline and subject matter are quite compelling. It effectively demonstrates how quickly racial tensions can spiral out of control, as well as the devastating consequences that can result. However, my main gripe with the movie lies in its lack of attention to detail. For example, the protagonist’s gun in the opening gunfight appears to have an infinite supply of bullets, and his ability to stumble upon a murder scene without consequence is a bit far-fetched.
On a more positive note, I must commend the filmmakers for their clever use of black and white to distinguish between flashbacks and present-day scenes. It was a clever and effective technique that added depth to the storytelling. Despite my nitpicking, I did find the movie enjoyable overall and would recommend giving it a watch. Just be prepared to overlook a few minor flaws along the way.