Synopsis: The teenager Nathan feels outcast at home; has nightmares; and is shy. His father practices self-defense with him; he has consultations with the psychologist Dr. Bennett; and he has a crush on his classmate and next door neighbor Karen. When he finds a website with photos of missing children with Karen, he suspects that he might have been adopted

Rating: Rated PG-13 for sequences of intense violence and action, brief language, some sexual content and teen partying

Run Time: 106 Minutes

Director: John Singleton

Dvd Extra’s: Production Journal, Stunts, Making Of, Gag Reel.

Nudity Factor: None.

Of Note: Taylor Lautner did the vast majority of his own stunts.

Recommendations: The Bourne Identity


Review by: Jason Schulte

Rating:4 Star

This movie came out just in time to play on the popularity of Taylor Lautner who was made popular in the Twilight series. In this movie he plays a young man that has some issues with anger. He likes to live dangerous and after a night of partying his father comes down hard on him. After getting asigned to work on a school project with the girl next door that he always wanted to ask out but never does, he stumbles upon something that will change the path of his life forever. The story itself is combination of thriller, suspense, and action. Mix in a little teen romance and you have a fairly decent movie. I will say that Taylor Lautner did a much better than I expected him to. I was expecting him to fall short since he was riding the fame he got in another role. He showed that he has some action chops and pulled off this role very well. Actually I would have liked to see him do another movie with this character but I am sure the time has passed for that. His character is very interesting and they certainly left room to go further with the character. You know from the old 80’s horror movies were the bad guy is walking and everyone is running but he still catches them. Well it kind of works out like that. The other cast is fine as well. The main characters love interest is perfect for this film.

Overall I enjoyed this film. For the most part it kept me on the edge of my seat. It kept me guessing for the majority of the film which is not something a lot of films can do. The movie was well written and well executed. I don’t think the film had a single moment where it slowed down. It might not be something you would watch over and over but it certainly is a great movie. I don’t think it is a movie you would watch over and over only because the biggest draw is the suspense of what is going on. Once you watch it and don’t have the suspense piece it may not be as enjoyable to watch again. Still it is a great watch the first time and I would recommend to anyone looking for a good thriller with a fair amount of suspense and action.