Synopsis: Abbott and Costello, as railroad baggage clerks, receive a strange shipment – the last remains of Dracula and Frankenstein’s monster. But this deadly duo is still very much alive. So when the shipment arrives at the House of Horrors, the Monsters are not in their crates but have disappeared to a secret hideaway island. Blamed for the disappearance, Abbott and Costello follow their trail to the island, where not only do they meet up with Dracula (Bela Lugosi) and the Monster (Glenn Strange), but a Mad Scientist (Charles Bradstreet) who wants to switch Costello’s brain with that of the Monster. With everyone chasing each other, the Wolf Man (Lon Chaney, Jr.) shows up to scare them all. In the end everything works out: Costello finds romance and the Monsters find their final resting places…or do they?
Rating: Not Rated
Run Time: 1 Hour 23 Minutes
Director: Charles Barton
Dvd Extra’s: Commentary, Production Photographs, Theatrical Trailer, Production Notes, Cast and Filmmakers.
Nudity Factor: None.
Of Note: In 2001 the Library of Congress selected this film for preservation in the National Film Registry.
Recommendations: The Wolf Man
I grew up watching Abbott and Costello with my Grandma. We watched them often. This was just when VHS became popular. Yes I am dating myself. I spent a lot of time with her and we would go to the video rental place and pick out a Abott and Costello film. I don’t remember this one being one of them but it did leave an impression of what to expect from the movie. In this one the duo work at a shipping office. Wilbur gets a strange call that says to not deliver them. Well when the owner comes and says they are to be delivered to the House of Horrors they set out despite the warning. Soon they find themselves on an adventure they could never had expected. As with many films from this era they has some great sets to compliment the story. This one has a story that has some laughs. It was not as funny as some of the other Abbott and Costello film but it has some great moments none the less. Some of the best scenes in the movie take place in the second half of the movie set in the great set location of the castle. The other thing that indicates a good movie is that it felt shorter than it was.
Overall I enjoyed this film even if it was not of the quality I have engrained in my mind of what a Abott and Costello film should be. Granted this has been years and we all know how that can influence how you remeber something. Still it is a decent film that finds a good way to bring a bunch of classic monsters to the same screen but in a way that is funny not scary.