Movie Review “Aardvark”

Synopsis: Aardvark follows Josh Norman a troubled man who has lived in the shadow of his brother Craig for so long he starts seeing that shadow everywhere. After experiencing a series of hallucinations involving Craig – an actor, and the star of a popular TV drama – Josh places himself in the care of Emily, a young therapist.

Emily wades deeper and deeper into Josh’s psychologically-troubled world and suddenly finds herself falling for the famous brother. Caught between the family dysfunction and her alluring neediness, is Emily willing to risk her career and reputation all for the sake of love?

Rating: PG-13 for mature thematic issues, language, some sexuality and violence.

Run Time: 1 Hour 29 Minutes

Director: Brian Shoaf.

Dvd Extra’s: The Making of

Nudity Factor: None

Of Note: Premiered Friday night at the Tribeca Film Festival.




Review by: Jason Schulte
Rating: 1 Star

Aardvark is about two brothers. One has had success in life and the other has had mental problems. The one with success has found that for his role he should just financially help his brother but stay out of his life. For the other brother with mental health issues he sees his brother in random places but this does not help his mental state. It takes a young therapist to try and bridge the gap. I am not thinking that a therapist would be so willing to share information, so easy to track down or for the most part acting the way she does. I get that it was a movie but at times it seems like the writer does not understand therapists all that well or if they do they are doing a terrible job conveying it. There have been a lot of movies that have shown this relationship and how it can go astray but for the most part this film seemed to take it serious so that is one thing that goes against the film. The pacing is the other. It is a very slow paced film and often times lost my interst. At one point I thought about turning it off and just winging my review but I didn’t. I hung in there for you my avid reader.

Overall I just can’t recommend this film. Sure it has some decent star power but they can’t overcome the pacing of the story. At times it seems like the film wanted to be big time and at other times it seemed like it really wanted to be a low budget film. The other problem I have with the film is the gloom-o-vision. So much of the film is done in shadow and I have never been a fan of this. If they wanted to use it for effect in places that is one thing but when a bulk of the film is in shadow that becomes a problem. Just a quirky film that I certainly will not watch again and it very much is a forgettable film once you are done watching it.