A Vigilante Movie Review
Synopsis: A vigilante helps victims escape their domestic abusers.
Rating: R
Run Time: 90 Minutes
Director: Sarah Daggar-Nickson
Dvd Extra’s: Featurette.
Nudity Factor: Naked man’s butt
Of Note: At the end of the movie, Sadie pulls out of the Ulster Federal Credit Union in Kingston, NY. You can see the Dutch Village Apartments as she drives away.

The story follows a woman that was abused. She has decided to ensure that others that can’t escape this life are helped a bit. Bits and pieces of her abuse are revealed along the way. Sometimes this comes across strange as the timeline is not clear. It seems like the timeline is straight and at other times it seems as if it is skipping around. The challenge for her is that things in your past have a way of coming back into your future. Will she be able to overcome her past to find her future is really what she must face? The story itself somewhat fails this movie. The topic of domestic abuse and the suffering it can cause and is very clear. This is an important message that needs to be shared. Outside of that the story really does not flow, loses it direction often, and with that at times is hard to watch. At times, it goes out of its way to disguise the violence being portrayed and only the aftermath of the violence. Though this is a great technique, it comes across at times they just didn’t know how to film the violence. Outside a couple of scenes, I am not even sure how this got an R rating. It really comes down to that the story is very powerful, it is just a little slow in its delivery.
Overall, the story and the movie lose itself in itself. The pace of the movie starts to distract from the movie itself. There are scenes that seem more like time filler than actually driving the story. I get that the attempt is to drive home the power behind the story, but at some point it needs to just move along. I appreciate the story and the message. I wish I lived in a world that no person has to live through the horrors of the women and children in this movie. At the end of the day maybe that is all that really matters, is that we know as a society we can do better by each other.