9 Movie Review
Synopsis: In a post apocalyptic world, a small community of rag-doll robots hides in fear from dangerous machines out to exterminate them. But when a brave newcomer named 9 (voiced by Elijah Wood) joins the group, he inspires them to stand up and fight for their survival.
Rating: PG-13
Run Time: 1 Hour 19 Minutes
Director: Shane Acker
Dvd Extra’s: Deleted Scenes, The Long and the Short of it, The Look of 9, Acting Out, The Origianl Short, commentary, Languages: English, Espanol, Francais, Subtitles: English, Espanol, Francais.
Nudity Factor: None
Of Note: A canny choice of the marketing department was to give the film a release date of September 9, 2009 (09/09/09).
Script: 9 Movie Script
Recommendations: Paprika — Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust — Final Fantasy The Spirit Within — Coraline — Corpse Bride
Review by: Jason Schulte
I found myself struggling to fully immerse myself in this movie. The plot follows a group of rag-dolls who are the last remnants of our once familiar world, after machines turned against humanity and wreaked havoc. Each rag-doll is identified by a number sewn onto their backs, with the protagonist being number 9.
I must admit, the animation in this film is truly breathtaking and the world they have created is captivating. However, my main gripe lies with the story itself. It felt like a bizarre mashup of Edward Scissorhands and Fallout, which left me feeling a bit disconnected. The attempt to cater to both younger and adult audiences seemed to miss the mark in this case.
While I can appreciate the effort put into the animation, the story just didn’t quite hit the mark for me. Overall, I was left feeling more lukewarm than enthusiastic about the film.