30 Days of Night 30 Days til Death
Overview: In 30 Days ‘til Death, the horrible events of the Barrow have rippled throughout the world. A war has started in the secret society of vampires. A reaping. A death squad of elders has come to America to “thin the heard” of the troublesome new breed. Rufus doesn’t care about anything but his own survival and he’s willing to do anything to ensure it, including getting a dog, and a girlfriend, pretending to like his neighbors, and going to extreme lengths to hide his insatiable craving for blood…
Pages: 104
Story and Art: David Lapham
Colors:Len O’Grady
Letters: Neil Uyetake
Review By: Jason Schulte
I absolutely adored the original comic and movie, so naturally, I was excited to dive into this story. It’s all about the vampire society getting their undies in a twist because they’re suddenly in the spotlight. So, they send a squad to deal with the American vampires who just can’t seem to follow the rules.
Overall, I had a blast reading this book. There were a few frames that left me scratching my head, but hey, nobody’s perfect. It reminded me of that time when everything was going great and then someone had to come along and mess it all up. Basically, it’s a story about ruining a good thing. So, if you’re into vampires and drama, this one’s for you.