Bolt Throwers

Bolt throwers are huge crossbows that shoot a spear-sized missile. A crew of two or more is required to wind back the powerful torsion arms and position the huge bolt ready for firing.
Range 48:
Strength 6
Multiple wounds d3, ignores armour saves

Firing a bolt thrower: select a target. Roll to hit using the BS skill with all normal to hit penalties. If missed the bolt flies off causing no harm.

Resolving Hits: If the target is a unit of five or more ranked up models, the bolt will strike the regular troops in the first rank if the bolt thrower is in the front firing arc or last rank if rear arc. Hits are resolved at str 6. If the first model is slain the bolt hits a warrior in the rank behind with the next hit being at -1 str (5), if the second model is slain then it continues into the next rank at str -2 (4), this declining str continues until no more models are slain. If hitting a unit that has less than 5 or has just champions hits are determined randomly.