United Heroes Expansion
When empires clash, heroes are born. Will these champions lead your forces to victor?
Heroes have no faction, and go directly into play when acquired. When they are acquired do what is listed as their primary ability (top box).
Hero cards also have a scrap ability. To use these abilities, do what is listed beside the scarp symbol, then put the hero into the scrap pile
When your turn ends, do not discard your heroes from play, they remain in play until you choose to use their scarp ability.
Faction symbols as part of a hero card’s ability allow you to use the ally abilities of cards from that faction until the end of your turn.
This pack contains 12 cards and 2 rules insert: 1 CEO Shaner, 2 Chairman Haygan, 2 Chancellor Hartman, 2 Commander Kilk, 1 Commodore Zhang, 1 Confessor Morris, 1 Hive Lord, 2 Screecer.
Recommendations: Star Realms — Star Realms Colony Wars