Cosmic Gambit

In the cold, unforgiving battlefield of space, a cunning Gambit can prove to be the most powerful weapon in your arsenal. This pack contains 15 cards for use with the Star Realms Deckbuilding Game and/or the Colony Wars expansion.

Gambit cards are dealt face down to players at the beginning of the game. You choose each number of Gambits every player will get (usually two), or you can give fewer Gambit cards to some players as a handicap. Players keep their Gambit cards face down in front of them until they choose to reveal them. Players may reveal Gambits at the start of the game or during their main phase. To reveal a Gambit, turn it face up. When a Gambit is revealed, you get powerful one-time or continuous abilities that can help lead you to victory.

This pack contains:

1 Rules Card
1 Secret Outpost Base Card
13 Gambit Cards: 1 Acceptable Losses, 2 Asteroid Mining, 1 Blackmarket, 2 Exploration, 1 Hidden Base, 2 Rapid Deployment, 1 Triumphant Return, 1 Two-Pronged Attack, 1 Veteran Pilots, 1 Wild Gambit

Recommendations: Star Realms — Star Realms Colony Wars