Character Creation and Generation

Step 1: Determine Ability Scores: These six scores determine your character’s most basic attributes and are used to decide a wide variety of details and statistics.

Step 2: Pick Your Race: Choose your character’s race, noting any modifiers to your ability scores and any other racial traits. Each race lists the languages your character automatically knows as well as a number of bonus languages.

Step 3: Pick Your Class: Your class represents your profession or what your primary duties are.

Step 4: Pick Skills and Select Feats: Skills are more specific than your abilities. You can purchase ranks in skills based on bonuses and your intelligence. After skills determine how many feats your characters has and choose feats from the list.

Step 5: Buy Equipment: You begin with gold based on your class. Gear includes weapons, armor, survival gear, and pretty much anything else an adventurer would need.

Step 6: Remaining Details: This included hit points, armor class, saving throws, initiative modifier, and attack values.