Monopoly Variations

For games of 4 or more.  Game ends after second bankruptcy.  Remaining players are declared the winner or you can see who has the most cash and property value after the second bankruptcy (determine before play begins).

Time limit: simple, set a timer on how long the game should last minimum 45 minutes.  Whoever has the most money and property value wins once the time is up.

Avoid the first four turns or more by shuffling the property cards, dealing them out to the players.  The players can choose to purchase any or all of them with their starting money.  There will be cards left that you won’t be able to afford or don’t want to spend money on.  You can handle this one of two ways.  Any cards you don’t buy remain yours but mortgages or you can put them back in the pool that can be purchased if landed on.

2 set variant: if you have two sets available, use the houses out of the second set.  You build your four houses, build your hotel but keep the houses on.  If someone lands on that spot you get the cost of the rent on the houses and the rent on the hotel.

Free Parking (the variant everyone thinks is part of the rules).  Any time you pay in to the bank (change, community chest, paying to get out of jail, or the two spaces on the board you pay in for) the money goes into the middle and when someone lands on free parking they get the money.