Human Brawler

Throw 4

Stamina 7

Action Points 4

Movement Points 4

Dosh (cost): 200K

Casino: Kaiser’s Palace

Rope Attack: Cloths Line (Knockdown): 2 ap, Att 2 silver, 1 copper, dmg 1. Knockdown – A wrestler that suffers a successful hit form an attack with this special rule receives a knockdown counter.  A wrestler with a knockdown counter counts it’s def as 0.  A wrestler may remove a knockdown counter during it’s activation for 1 ap.

Turnbuckle Attack:  Skull Cracking Elbow (dazed): 3 ap, att 3 silver, dmg 4, rng 5.  Dazed: A successful hit from an attack with this special rule in it’s description makes the opposing player roll a crowd die and apply the listed effect to target wrestler

Blank: The wrester receives a kockdown counter 1 -ap counter, 1 -mp counter

Boo! The wrestler receives 1 -ap counter, and 1 -mp counter

Cheer! No effect

Crow Pleaser: Every friendly wrestler’s rope attacks deal +1 dmg until the end of the wrestler’s next activation.