Stave – Mald, Human, Male, Center Back, Squaddie

Stave is known as The Artillerist for a good reason. He is an expert at catapulting huge barrels of beer at the opposition, knocking them to the floor in a shower of shattered wood and explosive ale. His massive bulk make him a tough proposition to take down.

Melee Zone 1″
Mov 5″7″, Tac 6, Kick 2/6″, Def 2+, Arm, Inf 2/3

Character Plays
Lob Barrel – cast 2, rng 4″ Opt
Position an AOE within range, Models hit suffer a 3″ push directly away from the center of this AOE and the knocked down condition.

Character Traits
Battering Ram: During an advance made by this model, any model whose base is touch by this model’s base suffers a 2″ push directory away from this model. This model can only push each model once per turn with Battering Ram.

Tough Hide: This model suffers -1 DMG from Enemy play and playbook damage results.

Heroic play
Explosive Brew: during its activation, this model may use Lob Barrel without spending influence.