Harmony – Castellyian, Human, Female, Winger, Squaddie

Guild Ball HarmonyBeautiful, charming, talented, and flamboyant. Those would be the words Harmony would use to describe herself. Others would tell the rest of the tale. Vain, arrogant, conceited and filled with an overbearing sense of self-importance. She is not in the game for the long term, and is only interested in catching the eye of a wealthy noble or prince so she can marry her way in to higher society.

Melee Zone 1:
Mov 6″/8″, Tac 5, Kick 3/6″, Def 5+, Arm 0, Inf 2/4

Character Plays:
Acrobatic, CST 1, Rng S, Opt – This model make make a 2″ dodge

Weak Point, Cast 1GB, RNG P, Sus – Target enemy model suffers -1 arm

Character Traits:
Back in the Shadows: At the end of this model’s activation, if it caused damage during the activation, it my make a 4″ dodge.

Family (Honor): if this model starts and activation within 8″ of the named friendly model, this model may replace its TAC and Kick with the named model’s unmodified tac and kick values for the remainder of of the turn.

Protected (Brick): While within 4″ of the named friendly model, this model gains +1 arm.