Friday – Mald, Human, Female, Striker, Squaddie

Guild BallInventively spiteful, sharp tongued and mean spirited, Friday was born in to the Brewer’s Guild, and has only ever known it. Her ambitions are to rise to Guild Ball captaincy one day far off and to somehow be safe from the turbulent and ever revolving line-up changes that the guild’s power struggles subject the side to.

Health 12
Melee Zone 1″
Mov 6″/8″, Tac 4, Kick 3/8″, Def 4+, Arm 1, Inf 2/4

Character Plays:
Dirty Knives cast 2/, rng 6″, Sus Yes
Target enemy model suffers -1 def, 1 dmg, and the poison condition.

Character Traits:
Defense Support [spigot]
While within 4″ of the named friendly model, this model gains +1 def.

Guild Ball Friday

Get Over Here [scum]
Once during this model’s activation, if the named friendly model is within 10″ of this model, the named friendly model may make a dodge up to its base-move towards this model.

Shadow Like:
At the start of this model’s activation, it may make a 2″ dodge.

Heroic Play:
I shoot better after beer….
This model gains +1/+2 kick during a parting blow that targets it, this model gains +1 def.