Game Terms
Attire: A dude can only attach on attire at a time.
Blessed: A skilled dude who can attach and cast Miracles.
Condition: An action that attaches to another card.
Core Deeds: Some deeds have the core keyword. One core deed can be played (and paid for) alongside your starting gang. Some Core deeds can only chosen if your outfit belongs to a specific faction. During the game, Core deeds can be built like any other deed.
Experienced: A version of a unique dude. Versions of the same dude can be switched into play for each other at zero ghost rock cost.
Feat: A card with an effect when revealed as a pull.
Gadget: A card a Mad Scienteist has to invent
Gadget Dudes: Some dudes have the Gadget keyword, and like all Gadgets, need a Mad Scientist to invent them. You can only select a Gadget dude for your staring gang if that dude explicitly says you can. It will also explain how to invent in such a situation.
Grifters: Dudes with the Grifter keyword usually have an ability that you can use at the start of the game. Most of them manipulate your play hand in some way, to ensure a smoother start to the game. You can only include one Grifter when selecting your starting dudes. During the game, Grifters can be recruited like any other dude.
Harrowed: A dude that can satisfy additional casualties. They can be sent home booted to cover 1 casualty, discarded to cover 2, or aced to cover 3. A Harrowed Dude that would be aced other than as a casualty is discarded instead.
Headline: Only one Headline action can be played per shootout (among all players, not per player)
Hex: A spell that can be attached & cast by a Huckster.
Horse: A dude can only attach one Horse at a time.
Huckster: A skilled dude who can attach and cast Hexes.
Improvement: Goods that attach to deeds.
Kug Fu: A dude that can perform Techniques. Kung Fu rating is added to a dude’s value while in play.
Mad Scientist: A dude that can invent Gadgets.
Miracle: A spell that can be attached to a blessed.
Non-Unique: A card each player can put into play any number of.
Out of Town: A deed not placed on your street. it is not adjacent to any location.
Private: Dudes joining a posse at a Private location owned by another player gain 1 bounty each
Public: Dudes do not gain bounty for joining a posse at a Public location owned by another player.
Rowdy: Control of a Rowdy deed is determined by total bullets rather than influence.
Shaman: a skilled dude that can attach and cast Spirits.
Sidekicks: A goods that can be discarded to cover 1 casualty.
Spirit: A spell that can be cast by a Shaman. Unless it’s a totem.
Tao: A technique belonging to a discipline, that usually provides a combo opportunity.
Technique: An action card that has to be performed by a dude with Kung Fu.
Token: A card that cannot be included in your deck. These can be brought into play by various other cards.
Totem: A spirit that a Shaman can plant at a location. Any Shaman at its location can then cast it.
Unique: A card each player can only own one of while in play.
Weapon: A dude can only attach one Weapon at a time.