Doomtown Classic CCG

Doomtown Classic
Since this game is out of print and hard to find I will put together my own personal introduction. This came out back in the day when you could pick up magazines in the store and I happened to pick up a gaming magazine. Most of the magazine was dedicated to Magic but it did review other new games that had come out. In this issue was a promo card for Doomtown and the card was Kenny. If you know this game you will know Kenny and the flavor text but if not it goes something likes this “Oh My Gawd they killed Kenny. This was enough for myself and a friend to at least check the game out and quickly fell in love with the game.

The game is set in an alternate west. The civil war rages, the west is being won, and there is a special rock found in the west called Ghost Rock. This Ghost Rock is so valuable that people will kill each other for it. This brings all kinds of factions to the dusty town of Doomtown.

The CCG plays in turns until everyone passes. The combat is worked out though poker hands. This means you have to both build a deck with the right cards but one that you can win poker hands with. The game presented all kinds of challenges with deck building and with every new release the way the game was played changed.

I am putting some of the information below so it is archived as we still play this game locally and it is something that I personally may never be able to let go of.

Home Cards – Factions