Counterblast Faction – Galactic Council of Worlds (GCW)
Founded by the now extinct Ainvar and the ill-fated Gallinians, the GCW is now comprised of various species throughout the galaxy, including Alanti, Illyrians, Shrinaar and humans. This governing body’s main objective is to protect the freedom and well being of its members and to recruit new planets to its cause of universal freedom and peace. The Galactic Defense Force maintains law and order throughout the GCW held regions of the Outer Reaches.
The GCW is now the largest cooperative group of free systems in the galaxy. As trade prospered, the Ainvar and Gallinians looked further and further outward from their home systems, encountering inhabitants of other planets and regions of space. Some of these species were amenable to trade and eventually formed alliances with the Ainvar and Gallinians to join the Galactic Council of Worlds. One such species that chose to join the GCW during this early time was the Alanti, an aquatic race similar in appearance to Earth’s sharks. Another prominent people are the felinoid Shrinaar.
Commonly seen operating throughout the Outer Reaches and most other regions of space are bands of miscreants, merchants, fortune hunters, and those merely struggling to survive. Known as ‘Lancers’, many are privateers or mercenaries seeking honest employment. Hard times can drive some to unlawful activities like smuggling or piracy while others embrace crime freely, tempted by the profits to be made in spite of the risks of imprisonment or even physical harm. Lancers hail from all worlds of the galaxy. Many common species, and even a Neiran exile or Edo wanderer may be found in Lancers crews.