Game Phases

Each game turn has three phases: Starting phase, Main phase, and the End phase.

Starting Phase

  1.  Roll for variable turns.
  2. Ki Generation: all models gain a number of Ki Tokens equal to the first number of their Ki Statistic.
  3. All models gain 2 activation coutners each.
  4. Tactical Test: resolve the tactical test to see which player is active.
  5. Resolve any effects which happen in the starting phase with the active player resolving their effects first in the order of their choice.
  6. Players calculate the number of pass tokens for the turn.  Each player totals the number of models in their Warband.  the player with the least gains the difference in pass tokens.

Main Phase

  1. Starting with the Player chosen to go first via the Tactical roll.
  2. The player becomes the Active Player
    1. From this point, the Active Player may use Active Feats.
  3. The Active Player chooses a model in their warband and declares a Simple or Complex action for it to perform.  Alternatively, the player may spend a Pass Token instead of taking an action with one of their models, if they do, skip to step 5.  Players must activate a model if they have models with activation counters available unless they spend a pass token.
  4. The model’s action is resolved.
  5. The Active player may use Active Feats for the last time this activation.
  6. The opponent then becomes the Active Player and follows from Step 2.  If the Opponents is unable to activate any models, then the current player continues to be the Active Player until they are also unable to activate any modes.
  7. Once neither player can activate a model, move to the End Phase.

End Phase

  1. Resolve any effects that occur in the End Phase (Other than those expressly stated to resolve in another step.  Always resolve the adverse effects first.
  2. Resolve states that cause Damage in the End Phase (fire, bleeding, poison).
  3. Effects that expire in the End Phase now expire.
  4. Refer to the Scenario being played and check for the scoring of Victory Points.  If this is the final Turn or if all three available Victory Points have been scored, the game ends (Games can only end in the End Phase).  If either player has no models left on the table, the game ends, and Victory points are calculated immediately.
  5. Discard any unspent Pass Tokens.