Blue Exorcist Vol 8
Overview: Fight Hellfire with Hellfire!
Awakened by the traitor Saburota Todo, the impure king’s massive form threatens to engulf the city of Kyoto. As the exorcists of the Tokyo branch and the monks of the Myodha temple do all they can to contain the demon, Rin and his friends find themselves separated and facing their own battles. While Rin and Ryuji race to confront the full might of the Impure King, Yokio takes on Todo single handed and discovers that the may be his own worst enemy!
Pages: 200 Pages
Story and Art: Kazue Kato
Lettering: John Hunt
Once again, this book starts out slow. It has two events going on. You have Yukio taking on one demon, and you have Rin and his group trying to hunt down the plague boss. This does lead to some decent moment and some character development, but it seems to take forever to get to the point. Then once it does get to the point, the book ends.
Overall, as much as I like the setting for this series, I am starting to tire of the long-drawn-out sections of nothing. Really, the only things those sections do is make the book go by faster. Normally this would be fine if it is building towards something, but it really didn’t seem that they really were building anything. Still, I will be waiting for the next volume, as I am not invested in the two main characters.