
Think! Shout! Laugh!

Have you ever thought about the fact that our minds are positively brimming with all sorts of random information?  Things to eat, pop songs, websites, etc…

Normally, it’s easier to give an example of a frozen food or a dog breed; but can you do it before your opponent has a chance to blurt out their answer?  Who knows!  Pay attention, it could be your turn at any time!

Anomia will have everyone laughing out loud while they try to beat each other to the punch.  Beware!  While you may think giving an example for a type of shoe or an ice cream flavor might be easy, you will find that your brain works a little different under pressure!

Players: 3-6, ages 10 and up.

Goals: to win the most cards by facing off with other players.

Duration: One round lasts about 30 minutes.  Two rounds are suggested.

Vibe: It can be your turn at any time and anyone can be your opponent!

Contents: Two Anomia decks.  Each deck has 92 playing cards and 8 wild cards.

