Akira Movie Review

Synopsis: In 1988, the landmark Anime film AKIRA, by director Katsuhiro Otomo, defined the cutting edge of Anime around the world. by today’s standards, AKIRA remains a landmark achievement in cel animation and retains the explosive impact of its highly detailed animation and its intensely violent saga of power and corruption. Pioneer Entertainment proudly presents this classic film, completely restored and digitally re-mastered.

Rating:R For Graphic Violence and Brief Nudity.

Run Time:124 min

Director: Katsuhiro Ôtomo

Dvd Extra’s: Languages: English or Japanese. Subtitles: English. Capsule Option – English Translation of Graffiti.

Nudity Factor: Animated Nudity of Breasts

Of Note: The movie consists of 2,212 shots and 160,000 single pictures, 2-3 times more than usual, using 327 different colors (another record in animation film), 50 of which were exclusively created for the film. The reason for this statistic is that most of the movie takes place at night, a setting that is traditionally avoided by animators because of the increased color requirements.

Recommendations: 28 Days Later

Review by: Jason Schulte
Rating: 1 Star
Ah, behold the film that catapulted Japanese Animation into the mainstream! While the masses seemed to find something captivating in this movie, I must admit it didn’t quite tickle my fancy. The animation was top-notch, but the story left me feeling rather indifferent. Perhaps some crucial details got lost in translation to English. This flick is definitely a must-see for die-hard Japanese animation fans, but if you’re just dipping your toes into the world of anime, there are better options out there. Don’t waste your precious time on this one, folks!