Game Terminology


The Agents

Although all the action in the game takes place within the virtual boundaries of the Aetherium, this feat would not be possible without a consciousness to control each program and to input commands through the system. These individuals are known as users. They are the minds that link into the Aetherium and then manipulate both their representation and the virtual world itself. To put it simply, the primary user is you, the player, though you will often presume that there are other users plugged in to the network.

Factions are the different interests that struggle within the Aetherium. These factions represent the most powerful, talented, connected, organized, and numerous entities each of which seeks to control the Aetherium for its own ends.

Collective refers to the assembly of users, their respective programs, and the corresponding models that a player control from within a single faction. A Collective is all the programs that a player will use in one game.

Individual units in the game are referred to as programs. A program usually consists of only a single model, but some programs are quite often comprised of several models. There are three types of programs in the game: Avatar, Function, and Subroutine.

A model is the actual, physical game piece or pieces on the game board. Models are the visual manifestation of programs. As stated previously, most programs will be represented by only a single model; in some instances however, a program will be composed from several models. This is relevant because while the term program refer to all its model components, the word model will only refer to one specific piece of a complex program.

Target Model
The term target model refers to the specific model that has been singled out for particular attention, whether that be from friend or enemy. This is generally used for determining the target of an attack, a .EXE, or a disruption effect. Target model is most important when identifying a specific model in a program that has more than one model.

The Virtual Projections

The Avatar is the most important program that a user controls and, generally speaking, represents the digital persona of the player in the game. Avatars are the most powerful programs in the game and, as such, will often have excellent offensive and defensive capabilities, as well as generate RAM and influence other programs. These are dangerous, powerful manifestations and should be treated with the utmost attention and respect.

Functions are potent programs capable of accomplishing a variety tasks upon the battlefield. A Function will either focus its talent on a specific utility in the Aetherium, or a variety of simple abilities. These programs are usually the manifestation of users that lack the extraordinary talent, hardware, or the drive of an Avatar, but resemble more closely an above average mind’s ability within the Aetherium. As such, Functions generally make up the processing core of programs in a Collective.

Subroutines are the least demanding programs that an average user can manifest in the game. Some Subroutines are essentially programs that run autonomously without the intervention of a human consciousness. These usually fulfill a very basic role and excel at one task to the exclusion of most others. Subroutines almost always compensate by working in tandem with other users of similar resources or psychological composition, and will act as a single program. Subroutines appear in two basic forms: linked or segmented. Linked and segmented programs are Subroutines that are comprised of multiple models.

The Hardware

Command Console (CC)
The Command Console is how users monitor and influence their programs in the Aetherium. They are one of the most important hardware features of user projection into the Aetherium, and represented your direct link to the virtual world. In game terms, the CC is the area of the game board where players keep track of vital information during the game. The CC includes designated areas to place your Program Activation Deck, Data Cards, and Console Damage Cards. Here players will also find the RAM Gauge and the Recalibration tracker.

RAM Gauge
The RAM gauge is located along the top edge of the Command Console. It is used to keep track of a player’s current level of available RAM and will change throughout the game.

Located just above the Program Activation Deck, the Recalibration tracker allows player to reference the number of Recalibrations for their collective.

There are various circumstances in the game that require a physical game piece, such as firewalls, quantum noise, control or Pylons. The specific effects of each circumstance will be explained in greater detail.

Combat Dice
Combat is resolved using custom 12-sided dice.

In Aetherium, there are three different decks of cards essential to play: Program Activation Deck Cards, Data Cards, and Command Console Damage Cards.

Program Activation Deck (PAD)
The Program Activation Deck is used to determine when programs get to act in the game. The PAD consists of a single card for each program that a player uses during a game.

Data Cards
Data Cards contain all the necessary information that a player will need to reference during a game for each program in their collective. Each program included in the Collective will have a corresponding. Data Card that will be placed on the Command Console. Players reference offensive and defensive abilities from this card, and track damage alongside other special features of the program.

Command Console Damage Cards
Command Console damage cards are placed beneath Data Cards on the Command Console, and represent the level of exhaustion on a player’s rig during that run in the Aetherium. The Console Damage Cards are revealed as programs are deleted, and denotes the levels of stress this damage places on your overall system and well-being in the virtual reality.

The Code

When the models moves, it may move thorugh occupied or impassable squares. while on a Schema, this model also ignores the CS penalties for resistors, fragmented terrain, and evasive movement. This model cannot end its movement in an occupied or impassable square.

Activation refers to the moment when a specific program takes its turn. While a program carries out its actions, it is considered to be the active program.

Capacitor Purge
This model cannot be overclocked during its next activation.

Deleted refers to any program that has been removed from the game. When a program’s stability grid has been filled, it is considered deleted.

Disruption Effects
All programs have special abilities located in their attack profile known as disruption effects. These are special effects that can be triggered when the program makes an attack, and will generally augment that attack in some manner.

Line of Sight (LOS)
Line of sight is used to determine if one model can see another, and is primarily used to determine if models can attack one another.

Nodes and Pylons
Nodes and Pylons are the devices that stabilize the Aetherium, and make the raw psychological landscape habitable. These crucial structures keep the quantum noise at bay and allow for a sustainable processing area for users to enter. In the game, they accomplish important tasks: first, they create a space that programs inhabit safely; second, they are the devices through which programs may enter play; third, they dictate who can move schema around the board; forth, nodes and pylons grant RAM to the faction that controls them. These are extraordinarily valuable pieces of data transference, and will often act as the focus of the game.

Operations are specific missions that each player will work toward during the game. There are several Operations to play, each using a specific set of parameters to represent the condition and objective in that scenario.

Overclocking is whenever a player spends RAM to extend the abilities or action of a program.

Program Run Order
Program run order is the term used to describe the order into which a player has organized the PAD.

Quantum Noise
The raw psychological matter of the Aetherium is wild and uncompromising. Exposure to this turbulent virtual reality can be devastating to even the most skilled user.

This model cannot trigger its own disruption effects during its next activation.

The area within the Aetherium that the game is being fought over is known as the Server. This refers to the quantum noise mat, and the Schemas.

Schemas are the individual tiles that are placed upon the Server to represent the safe areas in the Aetherium that programs may enter. Mindful users will always stay within the processing boundaries of the Schemas.

Schema Manipulation
Schema Manipulation refers to when a player spends RAM to shift or rotate Schemas.

Voltaic Aegis
This model cannot be targeted or affected by enemy disruption effects.