Triumvirate – Axiom Subroutine

Aetherium Axiom TriumvirateThe Triumviate are, in many ways, a natural counterpart to the Agent-class and the Longshot-class Function. Though a more simplistic Subroutine set, the Triumvirate represent a complement to those program forms. Like the Agent, they are ruthless in their merciless. They worship the state with an unparalleled zealotry and, if permitted, prefer to operate exclusively with adherents whose adoration of the Axiom order approaches their own. Therefore, they tend to shun the militarized aspects of the Axiom, withdrawing instead further into their own secretive order. Of course, personas like Pontifect Neuholm and Lady Mastrona have been able to persuade them into action alongside all manner of program, but only grudgingly.Aetherium Axiom Triumvirate

As Subroutine, the Triumvirate are less powerful than the Function-class program code, but they compensate for this with a spirited motivation, and with numbers. As the name suggests, these programs always operate in a grouping of 3, called a Shade, which is a number sacrosanct to the Triumvirate order. The secret symbol of their order is the 2 crossed keys ubiquitous in the Axiom world, but intersected with a serrated knife, which represents the Triumvirate itself, and it preferred method for ensuring Axiom order and control.

The Triumvirate order believes in intimate contact with its enemies. Only then can a Shade be assured of the complete and utter destruction of its target. Only then can the Shade watch the desperate unraveling of code and consciousness. In such encounters, the Triumvirate believe that they are more capable of ensuring a lasting and permanent trauma to the mind that they have just eliminated from the Aetherium.

Aetherium Axiom TriumvirateRitual Blades – melee – Energy Drain: every time the target model activates, it takes 1 damage, then it must roll 1 combat dice, if it rolls correctly the effect ends

Ritual Blades – range 3 – Energy Drain:  every time the target model activates, it takes 1 damage, then it must roll 1 combat dice, if it rolls correctly the effect ends

Coordination Flank Attack: at least 2 models from the program must be in range and LOS of the target model, one of these models must be in front arc of the target model, and the other model must be in the rear arc.  If the conditions are met, then the attacking model adds 2 to all of its damage thresholds for each attack it makes.

.exe – fast – passive: This model has fast.

Safegaurd – Illusive: After the attack is made, but before damage is applies the attacking program must discard one success (Triumvirate’s choice)