Adventures in Babysitting Movie Review
Synopsis: Chris Parker agrees to babysit after her “dread” date stands her up. Expecting a dull evening, Chris settles down with three kids for a night of TV…and boredom. But when her frantic friend Brenda calls and pleads to be rescued from the bus station in downtown Chicago, the evening soon explodes into an endless whirl of hair-raising adventures! Babysitter and kids leave their safe suburban surroundings and head for the heart of the big city, never imagining how terrifyingly funny their expedition will become!
Run Time:102 min
Director: Chris Columbus
Dvd Extra’s: Languages: English or French.
Nudity Factor: None
Of Note: Sara wears a backpack with a picture of Gizmo on it. This is a reference to Gremlins which was written by Chris Columbus.

You have no idea how many times as a kid I ended up watching this movie. First off I am the oldest of 6 and 3 of them are girls. Of course this was there go to movie. For the most part I never minded to much. Had a little adventure, little excitement, and had to be border line PG-13. Not to mention that it had Elizabeth Shue who had the eye of all the boys there were my age at that time. The movie follows Elizabeth Shue’s character that gets stood up by her boyfriend and to get out of the house ends up babysitting. Of course that would not make a very good movie if that was all there was. Her best friend Brenda decides that she is going to run away that night but only has enough money to make it to the bus station so she is stuck there. This makes them take a road trip to the city to pick her up before her parents find out. At this point if it could go wrong it does and they find themselves in one bad situation after another. One of the highlights to me is the story. Granted they do make inner city life look a lot worse than it is. From car thieves to gang fights they seem to find a way to find the worst. Taking some of the embellishments with a grain of salt you really can just sit back and enjoy the wacky things this little group of young kids get themselves into. It also helps that I watched this plenty of times as a kid were I didn’t question some of the wackyness like I do now as an adult. The acting is all pretty good. The make the characters believable and create enough of an emotional attachment that you don’t want anything to bad to happen to them.
Overall I can still watch this film and get a good chuckle out of it. It is still fun to watch. If you have not seen this or not watched it in a while now is as a good of time to pull out this classic kid adventure film.