Absolutely Anything – movie review

Synopsis: In this hilarious sci-fi comedy, ordinary schoolteacher Neil Clarke is granted extraordinary powers by a group of mischievous space aliens, as a test of mankind’s worthiness. Little does Neil know that the fate of our planet hangs in the balance as he struggles to control the chaos he creates with every wave of his hand.
Rating: R for language including sexual references, and brief nudity.

Run Time: 85 Minutes

Director: Terry Jones

Dvd Extra’s: None.

Nudity Factor: Brief shots of breasts.

Of Note: Robin Williams’s final film. It was released on the one year anniversary of his death.

Recommendations: Monty Phython and the Holy Grail




Review by: Jason Schulte
Rating: 2 half
The story follows an ordinary man that is liked by some, hated by others. The girl next door likes him but is being stalked by an old boyfriend. His boss of course is a pain in his side. All of that changes when he is selected by a group of aliens to represent the entire planet. He is given unlimited power, and the entire planet will be judged on what he does with that power. The aliens are already leaning towards wiping us out, so he has a tough task ahead of him. The story itself was entertaining, and for the most part I never got bored during the entire show. Granted it is only 85 minutes long so for the most part is fairly short. Also, it is a story that has been done before, so don’t expect anything a new story but a retelling of a story that has been done before. The story has humorous moments but not gut busting moments. I gave a chuckle, but nothing that made me break out in laughter. I have always liked Simon Pegg and for the most part he does a great job. Kate Beckensale as the girl next door knocks the role out of the park. Her acting in this film really impressed me. The aliens, I am not so sure about. They way they were done just was strange and really a big reason I didn’t rate this higher. I get that you have to have them somewhat goofy, but it just went too far.

Overall it was an enjoyable movie but nothing that made me want to jump out of my seat. It has some great acting and a decent story. It is a great filler movie is have 85 minutes to kill and want a decent comedy. To me it certainly is a throw away comedy, you can watch it and then throw it away.