Stats: Your Stats represent your natural abilities. Each Stat is a numeric value between 01 & 100. Stats act as a base value for all Stat Checks. Each Stat is used to test success in specific types of efforts.
Body (BS): Strength and Endurance
Speed (SB): Reactions and Agility
Finesse (FB): Dexterity and Stealth
Strife (StB): Fighting
Will (WB): Determination and discipline.
Wits (wtB): Alertness and attention to details.
Intellect (IB): Knowledge and problem solving.
Social (SoB): Socializing and networking.
Stat Bonus: When this text call for a Stat Bonus it is referring the 10s digit of a Stat.
Skills: Skills represent training and practice in specific tasks and provide a bonus per Skill Level that can make a Stat Checks easier. Skills are not specific to Stats. They may be applied to any Stat Check if they are relevant to the situation and Stat being checked.
Wounds: Wounds represent your character’s overall ability to take bodily harm and their current health. Wounds will be reduced as your character is hurt. Losing too many wounds can result in injury or death.
Stress: In your investigations, you will encounter fear, pain, violence, and death. You will accrue stress. If not managed sufficiently, stress will result in your character experiencing panic and trauma.
You can take stress to turn a narrow failure into a narrow success.
Grit: Grit is an expression of your character’s refusal to give up. Grit is something you can use to muscle through difficulty. Grit is never a blind dash: it is used when you know success is attainable and are willing to reach for it.
After a failed check you can spend 1 Grit to flip the 10’s digit of the d100.
Grit can be used to trigger a field ability before making a check
Grit can be used to get up when you are down.
Once used. That Grit point as spent.
Dice: You will use two ten-sided dice. In most cases, these are read as a percentage with one die displaying the tens digit and the other die acting as the ones digit. This is abridged as d100 and will produce results between 1 and 100 with 100 always representing a failure.