Movie Review for the movie 300

300Synopsis: This epic graphic novel by Frank Miller assaults the screen with the blood, thunder and awe of its ferocious visual style faithfully recreatd in an intense blend of live-action and CGI animation. Retelling the ancient Battle of Thermopylae, it depicts the titanic clash in which King Leonidas (Gerard Butler) and 300 Spartans fought to the death against Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro) and his massive Persian army. Experience history at sword point and movie making with a cutting edge.

Rating: R For Graphic Battle Sequences Throughout, Some Sexuality and Nudity.

Run Time: 116 Minutes

Director: Zack Snyder

DVD Extra’s: Disk 1: Commentary by Director Zach Snyder, writer Kurt Johnstad, and Director of Photography Larry Fong. Languages: English, Francais, Espanol. Subtitles: English, Francais, Espanol.
Disk 2: The 300 Fact or Fiction. Who Were The Spartans?: The Warriors Of 300. Frank Miller Tapes. Making of 300. Making 300 In Images. Deleted Scenes With Introduction By Director Zach Snyder. Webisodes.

Nudity Factor:The Oracles Breasts, The Queens Breasts During Love Scene, Glimpses of Breasts During Freak Show.

Of Note:The script demanded that most of the male cast spend the majority of their screen time bare-chested, as per Frank Miller’s original graphic novel. Therefore, in order to adequately present themselves as the most well-trained and marshalled fighting force of the time, the entire principal cast underwent a rigorous and varied training regime for 6 weeks prior to shooting.

Recommendations:  Alexander – Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring – Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers – Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

Review by: Jason Schulte
Rating:4 half star
To me, this film was one of the most anticipated films, I couldn’t wait for it to come out. Most of the time films like that disappoint me. This was not one of those. It was worth every second of hype. The problem was, after waiting months to see this film, I then had to turn around and wait months to get the film on DVD. The one thing that I think was great was the fight scenes were filmed in a very cool way. They would slow to almost a stop, then speed back up again to normal speed. I really liked this and wish that more films would use this in the fight scenes. They also did a great job capturing this from a graphic novel. This is a great movie, if you have not seen it,  you need to make it a priority. This movie is one of the rare films that can be watched multiple times without losing anything. I could continue to sing praises for this movie, or you could just trust me and pick this one up.

Overall, this was a movie that lived up to every bit of hype.  It delivered from the start to finish.  It has a great combination of fantasy elements, battles, and some moments that are nothing short of epic.