The Accountant Movie Review
Synopsis: Christian Wolff (Ben Affleck) is a math savant with more affinity for numbers than people. Behind the cover of a small-town CPA office, he works as a freelance accountant for some of the world’s most dangerous criminal organizations. With the Treasury Department’s Crime Enforcement Division, run by Ray King (J.K. Simmons), starting to close in, Christian takes on a legitimate client: a state-of-the-art robotics company where an accounting clerk (Anna Kendrick) has discovered a discrepancy involving millions of dollars. But as Christian uncooks the books and gets closer to the truth, it is the body count that starts to rise.
Rating: R
Run Time: 120 Minutes
Director: Gavin O’Connor
Dvd Extra’s: Inside the Man.
Nudity Factor: None.
Of Note: The paintings featured in the story are: “Woman with Parasol and Child” by Renoir, 1874, “A Friend in Need” (Dogs Playing Poker) by Cassius Coolidge, 1903, and “Free Form” by Jackson Pollock, 1946.

The story follows an accountant that is much more than you would expect. He has info on some big crime lords. His brain does not work like most people’s. He can solve just about any accounting problem and has a very high aptitude for math. On the other side of the story, a federal agent wants to find out who he is. As the two stories develop, more and more of this mysterious accountant is revealed. I did like the story for the most part. It does get really slow in places and starts to drag. The saving grace though is that it has enough mystery to it that you do want answers. This does help get through the slow spots. Some of the slow spots can be attributed to a few scenes that are either confusing or just don’t seem necessary. As the story develops, it does have a few predictable moments as well as a few that were not as obvious. I like both Ben Afflek and Anna Kendrick in the main roles. They both do a good job with the roles they have. Granted, I would have been fine if we had gotten a little more Anna Kendrick.
Overall I may be slightly disappointed only because I really thought this movie looked good based on the trailers and write-ups of the movie. It just was hard to get over a few of the really slow parts the movie has, otherwise it was a really good film. The slow parts really just make this average. I should clarify though that when I say slow it is not just slow in places with little action but slow because it starts to drag. Not sure if the writers just figured the audience would not be smart enough to figure out what is going on, or they just wanted to make the film a little longer.