Batman Face the Face
Overview: One year ago, Batman and Robin disappeared from Gotham City. Before his departure, Batman chose a guardian to protect Gotham’s citizens form the city’s usually predators.
Now, the Dynamic Duo return to find that some of their most notorious foes are being brutally murdered – leaving Batman to wonder if the man he entrusted to carry on in his place has confused justice with vengeance.
Batman Face the Face is a turning point in the Batman legend, as the Dark Knight reestablishes his relationship with the city he’s sworn to protect and those who have chosen to fight at his side.
Pages: 122 Pages
Writer: James Robinson
Pencillers: Leonard Kirk and Don Kramer
Inkers: Andy Clarke, Wayne Faucher, Keith Champagne, Michael Bair
Colorist: John Kalisz
Letterer: Jared K. Fletcher, Pat Brosseau, Phil Balsman, Travis Lanham.
It is Batman, and so naturally I seem to gravitate towards it. This story has Batman and Robin gone for about a year, and in their place they leave a former foe who has changed face to be willing to help keep Gotham clean while they are gone. The story unfolds a lot like a mystery novel where you don’t know what is going on and as the pieces are laid down it starts to make sense. I do like this aspect of the story that is a mystery of sorts. With that, it does leave me a little disappointed with what kind of feels like a crop out at the end, but nonetheless 95% of the story is top-notch. The artwork is good throughout the book, other than a few frames that were so dark you can’t really make out a picture in them. You don’t read comics to see several frames that are nothing much more than solid black.
Overall, I enjoyed the book, except for parts of the ending. If you are a Batman fan you should like this for sure, if you are a comics’ fan that has mild interest in Batman you should still find something in this book to enjoy if nothing else the mystery of the story should keep you entertained.