13 Conversations About One Thing
Synopsis: In five distinct New York tales, the lives of seemingly disparate characters – a public defender whose life suddenly mirrors that of the criminals he prosecutes, a college professor facing a poignant crossroads, an envious businessman seeking revenge on a compulsively cheerful co-worker, an optimistic cleaning woman searching for miracles in the aftermath of a tragic accident and lastly, a woman forced to face her husband’s infidelity due to an untimely return of a lost wallet – are interwoven to create a touching tapestry.
Rating: for language and brief drug use.
Run Time: 104 Minutes
Director: Jill Sprecher
Dvd Extra’s: Commentary, Theatrical Trailers.
Nudity Factor: None
Of Note: The films story is inspired by two different head injuries that director Jill Sprecher endured.
Recommendations: 21 Grams — Babel — Larger Than Life — Boys on the Side — Lone Star — Tiptoes — Scorpion Spring — The Newton Boys — Helen — Urbania — Mud — Glengarry Glen Ross — The Paperboy — Rounders
The tale unfolds in the bustling streets of New York City, where we meet a seasoned insurance man, a rising star lawyer, a cheerful housekeeper, and a colorful cast of characters. Despite their differences, they are all connected by just two degrees of separation. Their paths cross at various points, some encounters fleeting, others more significant.
As the movie jumps between characters, we get a glimpse into their lives. While most of their stories are relatable, none are particularly mind-blowing. I found myself rooting for some characters, while others made me want to deliver a swift kick to the shin. This mix of engaging and dull narratives left me feeling torn as I watched, sometimes captivated, other times drifting off into unrelated thoughts.
Each story varies in quality, making it challenging to stay fully engaged. Some are riveting, while others fall flat. When woven together, they fail to create a cohesive narrative that truly resonates. By the end credits, I couldn’t help but feel like I hadn’t gained much from the two-hour viewing experience. It’s one of those films that, had I never seen it, my life would remain unchanged.