Honour – Castellyian, Human, Female, Central Midfielder, Captain

Guild Ball HonourDuring the Century War, Honour made her living as a mercenary, fighting for the side with the most coin. A disastrous battle left her company decimated, and she was promoted to commander of a defeated unit. The Mason’s guild spotted her talent, where she quickly became captain of the team. She now exists as one of the best examples of Guild Ball’s role models. Every little girl in the stands dreams of living the life of the romantic mercenary turned Guild Ball star and every red-blooded male wants to be the one to thaw her icy heart.

Melee Zone 1″

Mov 6″/8″, Tac 6, Kick 4/6″, Def 3+, Arm 2, Inf 4/6

Character Plays
Quick Time: Cst 1, Rng 4″, Opt
Target friendly model may make a 2″ dodge

Superior Strategy: Cst 2, rng 4″, Sus, Opt
Target friendly model gains additional activation

Character Traits
Assist (marbles): While attacking an enemy model engaged by the named frendly model, this model gains +1 TAC and +1 dmg to playbook damage results.

Linked (Harmony): When this model’s activiation ends, the named firneldy model may immediately take its activation if able to do so.

Poised: Once per turn this model may declare a counter-attack without spending MP.

Legendary Play
Topping OUt! (6″ pulse): Choose one effect
* Frindley model within the pulse gain +1 arm
* Frindly model within this pulse are allocated 1 influence.