Achievement – 7 Days to Die

Good in the Sack – Place your first bedroll, old bed, or king-sized bed.  If you follow the in game tutorial, this is the first things you do.
Cause he’s the Ax Man – Craft your first stone Ax – following the in game tutorial, this is done early in the game.

Bite The Dust – Die 5 Times.

Handy Man – Craft your first wood frame – also part of the in game tutorial.

Brush with Death – 50 minutes lived in a single player game.

Alexander Bell – Craft 50 items.

Christopher Columbus – Travel 10 Kilometers – this is tracked in the game, and you can view how far you have traveled.

Dig Deep – Get down to 3 meters or bedrock in a game – I started to dig, and it didn’t take long to get this to pop.

The Grave Digger – Kill 10 Zombies

Evil Knievel – Break your leg – I got this by jumping while running down a cliff.

Near Death Experience – 150 minutes lived in a single player game.

Scavenger – Scored 10 in a single game.  You get 1 point per zombie killed and -5 for every player death.

Ferdinand Magellan – You get this by traveling the land.

Benjamin Franklin – Craft 500 Items.

Playing Doctor – Stop a critical bleed-out with a bandage, first aid bandage or first aid kit.  Getting a bleeding effect and use a bandage to stop the bleeding.

Cheated Death – 500 minutes lived in a single player game.

Henry Ford – Craft 1500 items, this came naturally in the game as I tried to survive.

The Embalmer – Kill 100 zombies

Adventurer – Score 50 in a single game, this is the number of zombies killed and character levels.

Knock em Dead – Die 25 times, as it sounds, just keep dying.

Thomas Edison – Craft 5000 items.

Alive and Kicking – Reached 125 in wellness, I got this by eating blueberry pie.  If you eat a couple of slices, your wellness goes up.

Nearly Immortal – 1250 minutes lived in a single game.

Marco Polo – Travel 250 kilometers.  For whatever reason it stopped tracking in my single player game, I got this by connecting to a multiplayer server and running around looking for water.

The Homestead Act – Place your first land claim.  When you start a multiplayer you start with a land claim that you put down to claim your spot.

Nomad – Score 250 in a single game.  This is score of number of zombies killed and your character level.

Fit as a Fiddle – Reached 150 wellness.  I increased my wellness by eating blueberry pie whenever I am hungry.

The Mortician – Kill 500 Zombies – I got this around the 12 blood moon or 84th day.  Just by killing zombies while playing the game.

Warrior – Scored 500 in a Single Game – I got this on about the 90th day.

Dirty Larry: Kill 44 punks with a 44 magnum.  When working on this make sure to have the proper training in making the gun and the bullets.  It took me forever to find all the parts and then it also took a long time to be able to make enough bullets.